provides Hotel Managememt software Solution service.

KNOW Service automates the handling of guest requests, complaints and maintenance jobs, thus ensuring high quality service and high staff productivity.


Wednesday, 15 May 2019

Eliminate Glitches with Know Glitch

If every complaint, that is filed, is solved immediately and you know the reason behind that glitch. What caused that complaint? What is the reason behind that complain? And how to resolve this issue that is causing your guests to get uncomfortable? Do you have any system installed in place to manage such things? Now, you have that with the complaint...

Thursday, 9 May 2019

Simplify your Housekeeping Needs with Know Housekeeping

What if every housekeeping tasks you assign can be done so easily that you don’t need to check every task by yourself? Imagine being a supervisor who needs to check and assign every task and run around to check if all the housekeeping tasks in the hotel are going great or if the task is completed. Now with Knowcross Housekeeping Software and its...

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