Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Hotel Guest Service Recovery Helped me in Tracking and Resolving Guest Complaints

Although I run a highly efficient chain of hotels, there are always some areas in which errors might occur. And that is something I am not used to, neither do I want to get used to it, because I believe that my guests deserve the best service. But faults were taking place, with guests going back dissatisfied and disappointed. I could not be at all places at once, or so I thought! When talking about my problem to a friend of mine, who is in the same business; I was suggested to try out Know Glitch, the hotel guest service recovery software by Knowcross. He, apparently, was already using it, with great results.

I got it installed and was pleasantly surprised to find how easy it was to work with it, and how automated everything was. I was able to easily track as well as resolve guest requests and complaints, so in a way I knew what was happening everywhere at all times. Repeat complaints helped me identify and investigate specific and broader problem areas, and I was able to streamline my operations better, eliminating all the weaker links! What a satisfying feeling that was; the feeling of growing with each passing day! Guests were well catered to than ever before, and they felt the difference in the service. Their complaints were handled faster, requests were fulfilled instantly! This real time access to all the data helped me understand a lot about my own hotels, and so I promptly installed this great hotel guest service recovery software at all my hotels and would recommend all my friends in the industry to do the same.


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